In this spiritual development teaching Hafed tells us that alliances between governments and major industries are designed to give them the power to rule. He reminds us that all men were created equal and free but we have become slaves in order to earn a wage.
Hafed tells us it is not right for any man to be a servant of another (unless in a spiritual sense), as it is against God’s law.
He reminds us that God provides all mans’ needs freely, yet those in power have created a society hemmed in on every side by rules and regulations, which have robbed us of our freedom.
Hafed tells us that major changes will come as God will not allow this to continue. Then we will enjoy true freedom.
Hafed begins his spiritual development teaching:
Good Afternoon and God bless you my children.
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a bright star that you can see and are travelling towards. The Kingdom of Heaven holds a great promise and mystery in the minds of men and perhaps that promise is more important to those whose lives have been filled with tears and suffering. They look for the time when they may be free from their suffering and may live a life that is filled with joy and peace. Perhaps this is not so for those who have all that they need here and live in the lap of luxury. After all is said and done they have their pleasures and joys that please them. But if you look around your world and you see the unhappiness and the misery that is there, you must surely realise it is man-made.
Over the course of time there has been much written about the misery of this world and how it (the world) must surely fall away unless man changes his attitude towards his brother. Many have become slaves to their brother and do his bidding; they do this so they may receive a wage by which to live. Yet it has never been right for any man to be the servant of another. When I say servant I am not speaking of spiritual service, rather I am speaking of material labour for that has always been where the problem begins, with man subjugating his brother under his will. He has never been given the right to do this, for all men are equal and all men are free. For all men are part of the great family of God.
While you who sit here know all these things, it is always a good thing to remind ourselves of what is right and what is wrong. You can see what is taking place in your world today and how all of this is coming into being because of man with his greed to rule and yet no one has given him the authority to do so. You can go to every nation and see the end product, which is never for the good of the people; it is only for the benefit of the few.
When men rule they become greedy and exercise their authority in a secret way, hidden from the eyes of those they rule. Because they do, they take the bread from the mouth of the child in order to fill their own larders. In that greed their ignorance does not permit them to see what the outcome will eventually be. In that greed they can never aspire beyond the point of thinking of self.
Alliances are formed throughout the world, both within the governments of every nation and in powerful industries. They bond together in order to have the power to rule. To rule in the way that they wish is evil and can in no way be acceptable to God. Only the rule of God, once it rules in the hearts and minds of men, can fashion a world that will give joy and pleasure to all his children.
Think about what you have and what you need. Don’t all those things come from God? Does he not supply them all? Oh, I realise that man must labour to sew the seeds in the fields in order to reap the raw materials from the earth, so he may fashion them into the things that he needs. But that is where it goes wrong, for all these things are given freely by God. If it were not so, all your labours would be in vain and you would accomplish nothing.
Man lives because God creates and injects that power of living energy within every seed and brings into being the very substances of Earth which man needs. However man in his limited imagination wields the rod of authority and has created a society hemmed in on every side by rules and regulations, that he must abide by if he wants to live in this world. He has been robbed of his freedom. He has been robbed of his labour, for what he receives in payment is but a pittance. He works and accomplishes nothing, for it is gradually taken away from him in taxes and high prices. In a sense he remains a slave, working in accordance with the bidding and will of his taskmaster.
I realise that you live in the world and you may not see things in this way. Perhaps you do. But this is the foundation upon which is built the moral fibres of mankind. This is what he is encouraged to accept as payment, in a world that seems to believe that happiness and contentment can be found in the frailties of the human form. For example, prostitution and sexual relations without the need of marriage, strong drink and drugs. These are the ways of man that are against the Laws of God. All seem to be part of their plan to satisfy the need of man where he does not look any higher than the selfish desires that lay within him. Giving him no scope to come to the crystal clear thought of what is righteous and true, what is of God and who he should be?
There is not only all of this to hold man in his place, but also those who dictate the ways of the world for their actions decide who should eat and who should not eat. Who should die in wars and who should live. Those who embark on wars never go themselves; they always send their slaves to do their fighting and their bidding. You may not see yourselves in this way. You may consider this is not true, but when you think about it in a more logical way you will see that it is perfectly right.
If someone should raise up his voice against the establishment of man then he is quickly removed. If someone should preach according to the ways of God and seems to be heard, then he is quickly removed. There always seems to be an assassin waiting in the wings. You have seen this, so many times. So it is small wonder that God cannot in any way accept this established world which man has made, for it is not according to His laws. They have corrupted the minds of His children, they forbid the truth of God to be spoken to His children. Why? Because to do so would be to bring them down and therefore God is unacceptable to them. The ways and laws of God are unacceptable to them because they oppose everything that those laws stand for. If the Good Shepherd should come and stand once more in the cities of this world, crying out against the evils of this time, He too would find an assassin’s bullet waiting for Him.
When you see all that has taken place in your world you cannot deny the corruption, the evil, the hungry, the disease and the needless dying. You must surely realise that if that world is to come into being as God has promised – where the meek will inherit the Earth and He will dwell with His children, then an almighty change must come into your world. The very establishment and its foundations must crumble, for almost now, that new era must begin to be born. There must be a change that wipes away the evils of the old and brings into being that new world upon which the spirit of Christ inherits.
The old hates and prejudices that exist here now must be banished. There can be no hatred between whites and blacks, Jews and Germans and all other forms of hatred between and within nations; like the war that you have now in Yugoslavia. All these things have been incited within man in order to have control over his mind and his life. Man must think for himself rather than following a philosophy born out of greed, jealousy, and hate. He must be free to think about what is right and how to live his life properly. To rid himself of all those evils that bring misery and in no way makes him a spiritual soul. Gone must be those whose religious thoughts cannot aspire beyond the boundaries of their own religion. Those who say, “If you do not believe as we believe, then you will go to hell”. These children of ignorance also harbour great hatred, which divides man against man and allows the evils of suffering to go on.
Out of truth and the compassion of your heart is born the knowledge that: God is love, love is joy, joy is happiness and happiness is contentment. All these things together are your life. Therefore we look forward to when one’s labour does not belong to oneself, but belongs to one’s neighbour as well. We look forward to the day when the Law of God is imprinted upon the minds of all men and they live accordingly. Bringing into this world the beauty and majesty of God.
If I could take you back with me into that great world of spirit, you would be full of wonder and never want to come back here. You would see just how you are living your life and the things that are wrong with it. You would truly know the meaning of freedom and happiness because it would be within you, bubbling up like a mountain stream that refreshes the weary traveller. You would see such beauty and marvel there that you would never have thought possible. No night following day, no weariness at the end of one’s toil, no enforcement of labour because you have needs that you must purchase from another. Every day is your day and every day is a day of joy. There are no dark clouds waiting to appear on the horizon because your holiday is finishing and you must get back to the grind of life.
The things that fill your mind here no longer do there. There is no need to consider what you will wear, what you will eat and where you will go to have your pleasure, as these things no longer exist. What does exist is the joy that comes from the spirit within, which fashion for you new thoughts of life and being. Your contentment is not based on where you will go to find entertainment, but comes from knowing that you are a child of God. Nothing pleases you more than to give service to Him and all your brothers and sisters.
There is a great wealth of love that flows from one to the other. Even the smallest thought that is not in keeping with love is very painful to you. When you perhaps meet those whom you have known in life and perhaps have not always dealt kindly with, there are many tears and much remorse as you beg their pardon. You can see and understand far better in that new environment than you ever can here, where you are shut away in a world that is filled with danger, tears and grief. This is not what we wish for you, but like soldiers we prepare and give to you the tools required to smash down this regime, which will not give freedom to man.
Are there any questions that you may wish to ask?
We seem to be talking about revolution?
Will God start this revolution or are you saying that we should be starting it.
You have already started it when you accepted God, the love of God and the Laws of God to live by.
It is not a revolution where a man fights his brother to the death. You are not armed with weapons of destruction; rather your weapon is the sword of truth that destroys strongholds where lies are concealed. It slays the unjust and brings to all the knowledge that they thirst for.
First of all you must be able to show them that vision of a new life. Not the one that they have now, for it is full of cares, worries and doubts but a new existence that is based on God’s Law. You must penetrate their minds with this and reveal a new vision that is free from the tyranny, hates and the petty greeds of man, which will revitalise them with a newness of life according to Christ Jesus. Then you will begin to stir up the courage and spirit of people to fight with you. Inevitably this will come, even though it may take ten, twenty, thirty, forty or fifty years. The regime that is in existence here denies the truth of God and will not allow the Laws of God to be in operation. It is sinful in many ways therefore it will fall and at this moment of time is crumbling at its foundation. God has already set His plan into motion though no man can see it, nor prevent it until it is too late. The work will be done.
Will there not be tremendous anarchy whilst we switch from this regime to the Law of God?
No, because man has yet to see the misery that his current way of living is to bring him. How can the meek inherit the Earth except they pass through the valley of the shadows? Once man has done so he is meek, because his fears begin to live that terrible existence again. My children, even you do not realise the terror that is there, but you will one day awake to its reality. “Behold I make all things new” and so it shall be. When you make the change from this world to the next, the difference is so striking and yet so easy to accept and embrace (except for those who hanker after what they have left). Then man shall not find it any more difficult than making that change from one to the other.
Will you talk to us about the work that you are expecting us to do? Is it more than just teaching…?
When a child falls over, do you walk by it or do you pick it up? Do you not know the answer?
As obvious as that; there is nothing else that we should be aware of?
There is nothing I have not told you. Many unforeseeable things will happen, but that does not mean to say you will not see the rights and wrongs of these and know what must be said and done. If you linger, do not heed the word of the Lord and come to His side, then of course you spurn the work that He has for you to do. The quicker you hasten to His side, the better it is for the work that you must do. You need to be brave and speak the truth as it has been given to you, for only truth can set you free and only truth can give you the courage to speak it.
Yet you have said that we should be careful who we speak in front of.
Do not cast your pearls before swine I have said.
Would you say then that we should wait for those who appear to have an interest?
Always those in search of the truth will draw it from you. You can recognize those who do not really want to know, who do not believe and would make a mockery of what you say. There is something about them, in their speech and their attitude. They are not the ones who would pick up a small child. They lack the compassion and urgency to help others for they only think of themselves. To them your words are like pearls before swine, because they will use your words against you. But there are many who wait even now, because they know that there is a greater truth and cannot find it. When you meet them you will know them.
Will God see to it that some of them cross our paths, otherwise how will we find them?
They cross your paths every day but perhaps you are unaware of them. You must raise up the sensitivity within you that makes you aware of the presence of those who are searching for God. It is in the gentleness of their voice, the words that they choose and their attitude. So when opportunity is given you must plant the seeds of goodwill and truth within them. That seed will be raised up and blossom and the truth will be born within them. They will then find their way to God and find their way through the scriptures that have been given. The will see with new eyes and understand with a clear mind, not one that is confused.
It will be happening more and more, day-by-day, week-by-week, month-by-month, year-by-year, as you go on from this point. It is not written in vain that the Lord will come again. I tell you that you are very foolish indeed if you do not believe that to be true, for surely it will be so. When Jesus stood before Pontius Pilate and was asked if He was a King, He said, “Not of this kingdom. If it was of this kingdom, then my armies would fight for me and they are legions strong”. But when He returns again, those armies that are legions strong will be with Him.
Remember what Jesus said, that in the latter days many will come saying, “Christ is here and Christ is there”. Believe them not, for when He comes, it will be as a thief in the night. So if someone should come and say they are Christ, do not believe them. Christ has not come yet and when He does, you will know.
Will it be before all things are made new that He comes?
Oh yes, before.
Is it anything like in Italy, where people are sick of corruption? Is it change like that, where the people turn around and its very marked?
Oh yes, most definitely. Where people will begin to see the wonders of God. That is when they need people to teach them.
Because that is when people turn to religion isn’t it, when they have had enough?
Yes, but do not forget that I have also said that religion is corrupt as well.
Yes, I didn’t mean religion in that sense. I meant they turn to God.
I know what you mean. The reason why all that (religion) has to be changed is in order that when they turn and accept God, it must not be according to little minds that have hemmed themselves in because they believe they are the chosen ones. They are not the chosen ones. None of you are chosen.
The ordinary people are turning to God, aren’t they?
Yes, that is right. They must receive the truth and when that corruption begins to show itself even more than it is now, then you will find there is such an outcry that there will be an almighty change. But in the transformation there has to be, and needs to be a lot of suffering, which cannot be avoided.
Are you talking about our country alone or on a world level?
In the world at large.
Are you talking about natural disasters or because of a sudden awareness of corruption?
Natural disasters have happened and will happen again. But there are disasters that are not natural because they are man made and these are poisoning the very Earth upon which he lives.
Are we to have more nuclear spillage?
Nuclear spillage does not necessarily have to come from the power plants that generate your electricity. Already there is radiation coming from the sun, because of the hole that appears in the sky and this will cause devastation, but the greed of man will not allow him to see this until it is too late.
You cannot oppose the will of God. The Law of God is wholesome and whole and when it is opposed it means that corruption and weakness has taken root. It is like a cancer that destroys the body and you are the host of the body, the body that you call Earth. The body supplies you with food and your life. To oppose the Law and will of God is to bring devastation upon the Earth. There can be no other outcome.
It is like me saying that tonight instead of darkness falling, you are going to see the sunrise. You know that is not right and neither can it be right when you oppose the Law of God because when you do so you have let a chink come into the armour. You have caused it to crack. You have made it weak and brought in the evils which come with that new law of self. This is what has happened and man has been told all of this over the centuries by the prophets and other holy men.
Can I ask you what is it that has caused the destruction of the ozone layer? If it is CFC’s, it was not a willful disobeying of God’s Law, it was accidental.
It was also a destructive element, because when man discovered it and had a chance to repair it, he did nothing about it.
So it is CFC’s then?
Oh yes, it is all kinds of things, which is the way that man is.
And the bomb? Splitting the atom?
All of this is part of the decaying world in which you live. All the poisons you feed to the vegetables, the sewage that is pumped into the sea and the waste that comes from the nuclear power stations. It is all part of the decay that is happening. Before that could happen here, the decay had to start in the minds of men. The decay comes from his mind, from his thoughts and desires. He gives preference to the frailties of the human form and lets them rule him rather than being ruled by the power and love of God. The love of God is a great healing balm, which if allowed, will be expressed through man. When this happens it heals others by taking away their pain and suffering. Love is compassion; therefore it creates the need to help them. Therefore it is a healing balm, which also heals Mother Earth and nature. It is all these things.
It is an evolutionary rather than an individual thing, isn’t it? I believe some people can’t help the way they are behaving because they have been conditioned.
That’s right, young people have been conditioned, not by what is right, but by what is wrong, in order that those who have this great yearn to rule may do so. They rule according to their ways, not according to God’s ways.
So are we looking at the evolution of the Earth, rather than the evolution of the individual soul?
The individual soul has its own evolution, which is being prevented by the plan of man. It prevents freedom of spirit and thought because the opportunity is taken away.
Before I go I wish to pose you a question. A lot has been spoken about the war in Yugoslavia. There has been much comment on whether they should arm those who are facing the ferocity of their enemy. Many say that they should arm them, where as others say that the United Nations should go in and bomb those who are determined to kill and possess their land.
Now I ask you, which of these ways is best? I don’t want your answers now, I want you to think about it and when we meet again maybe you will give me your answers and reasons.
This spiritual development teaching is brought to you by Aquarius Teachings.