What is faith in the context of the world today? Few of us truly understand what faith is. Some people will say it is a belief in God, yet this only represents part of what faith is.
Others say they have faith in God yet when things go wrong in their lives their faith seems to abandon them. Instead they start to question if God really exists because he did not stop bad things happening to them.
So faith must be more than an abstract belief because it must be able to endure life’s storms. It must hold you steadfast so that any trials and tribulations leave your faith unshaken and intact. This special quality of faith can only be achieved when the knowledge of God is deep within you. It is not something that can be wished for and it will happen by magic.
You see the declaration ‘I believe in God’ raises fundamental questions about the depth of your belief and the strength of your faith.
Jesus said if your faith was the size of a mustard seed, you could command a mountain to be cast into the sea and it would obey you. Yet I haven’t seen many recent news headlines proclaiming “Man throws mountain into the Atlantic”! So are we saying the words of Jesus are exaggerated or false? No, I don’t think so, rather we should be asking what is missing that will bridge the gap between the quality of faith that we possess today and the quality of faith which Jesus referred to.
Here is the secret to reaching that spiritual higher ground:
Your faith has to be strengthened and have at its core, the spiritual qualities of love, humility, gentleness, meekness, forgiveness and understanding. Each one of them is a spiritual quality, a substance, which have the power to take you from the level of faith you hold now to a new super faith at the heart of your being.
You must build all of these special spiritual qualities within your soul to make you complete. Eventually you will reach the spiritual tipping point where you are no longer the child of God, but the son or daughter of God. If you examine these qualities you will discover that each one is of a creative nature. They have the power to create and lead you to that higher level where your faith is as great as a mustard seed and miracles will be possible through you. You will become a conduit for God’s will because you wish it to be so.
You must start by examining and challenging what you have said and done during the course of each day. You must question whether you have acted in a spiritual manner that God expects of you or have said or done things for selfish reasons? Each time you choose for good, it brings you a little closer to that perfect faith.
You are the master of your own destiny because you have free will. Choose wisely the energies and forces you allow into your life. Will they be of a creative nature, or will you pander to your destructive side?